AI girl with the Japanese knives
Hi, I’m Kamila Hankiewicz and I’m the co-founder of Untrite – Decision Intelligence tech company an Oishya – the Japanese knives store. I’m really into AI and Japan. I love tech, train karate and used to be a huge fan of Sailor Moon. Hence this mix.
Why this blog
For a long time I couldn’t find how I want to serve the world, what value I could give. I was interested in too many things and that was my curse.
The only constant in my life was my passion for technology and entrepreneurship. I may not be yet very successful (depends on your definition of success), but I’ve learned a lot through failures and projects I’ve took on over the years. I know where I’m going and I know I will eventually get there 🙂
I felt like the world we’re served by the media is polarised and lacks transparency; that fellow startuppers and business people don’t always share the bad and the ugly, but focus on the good, distorting the image of what entrepreneurship is and how it feels. And oftentimes it feels lonely, as if you were the outsider.
Hence this blog. To show you the full spectre of good and the ugly, that we entrepreneurs go through when trying to define ourselves while searching for the holy grail – the product market fit (and beyond).
What I believe in
I believe that there should be a better, more smooth way people build innovative technology and form teams of talented and equally motivated members.
I believe that there should be more women in technology, on all levels; as start-up founders, VC/investors, innovators. There is so much wasted potential due to the human insecurity and hesitance. I know how hard was it for me.
I believe we should always dare to try (and fail, if needed) to realise our full potential. Each of us has different talents, which we often suppress, trying to fit in into what ‘society’ asks us to be.
If you want to chat, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or you can just email me.
Where you could see me
Conferences I spoke on
- BigData London 2020 –
- Rasa Conference 2021 –
- Future of AI 2021 –
- Machine Learning Africa: – 26/7 May, 21
- ML Conference 2021
- ODSC Conference Europe 2021 (AI workshop + @Learning from Failure session)
Podcast I’m launching: Are You Human?
In the next few weeks I’m launching a podcast called “Are you human?”, where I plan to talk to business leaders and people who work with technology on a daily basis. Humans are still much more interesting with their complex, often conflicting nature.
I want to create a platform for all of you, who are curious and at the same time a bit worried of how to adjust to this AI revolution.
This podcast is not meant to be technical. I leave that kind of knowledge sharing to Azeem Azhar, Ray Kurzweil and the likes.
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