Lately I have been thinking about cold emailing and cold calling.
It’s clearly a big problem, one that takes a lot of your and my resources each day.
I get it.
We all have to start from somewhere and build our network. Most of those startups just need help figuring out what the real problem is, but they are asking in a clumsy, unclear way. You, having dozens of other burning problems need to be very conscious of where you put your effort.
In a way, by ignoring them, you’re pushing them to perfect their ask. But some won’t understand.
You may think that deleting that email will do the job, but most likely it will fire back. That person, not knowing what they are doing wrong, will keep emailing (even worse if they are armed with automation platforms doing mass targeting).
Offering feedback can save you time (you’ll spend more time screening all those followups rather than responding to one with 2-3 words of an HONEST feedback) AND help that person move on.
Google and Linkedin’s AI autosuggestion is still at its infancy but that’s the least you can do.
(On that note, I’m sorry to all of you who fell victim of my dark past of clumsy, rather pushy followups as I was building business cases for Untrite. 😳. Thanks for guiding me. ❤).
What do you think?