I’m scared of being average. Not valuable.
Not sure if it’s a mental scar caused by my father leaving my mom and myself when I was just 3 months old, so now I want to show to the world that I matter by providing greater value to others. Or, this is a story I’m telling myself to build motivation and find the foundations of my “why”. Despite the circumstances, I had a very happy and loving childhood and my mom has always encouraged me to try new ways to reach my full potential. That’s why I think it I had such a crash with a reality when I started my professional career as a management consultant.
Maybe it wasn’t the right job or the right company, but it made me realise that most people are in the same position – they join the workforce full of ambitions and energy “to make the world a better place” only to be beaten down by limitations and complexities of the labyrinth we put ourselves into – technology, information silos and bureaucracy.
That’s why I made it my personal mission to empower people through technology, so they can reach their full potential and get satisfaction from any intellectual work they do.
It’s incredibly rewarding when you can help others ease the pain you yourself were experiencing. @Untrite is my metaphorical and literal platform where we fight with information fragmentation, improving the way people interact and access crucial information eliminating all the distracting noise.
What drives you?